Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Components How to

Websphere Integration Developer v612

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Table of Contents

How to add a Component/Node to a Business Module

How to add a Component/Node to a Mediation Module

How to generate a component's implementation
How to wire components/nodes

How to add a Component to a Business Module

Related links

Assembly editor


Service components

Creating components

Business Module Components

This is an example of components added to a business module.

There are several ways to add a component to a business module:

  1. Select a component from the palette and drag/drop it onto the canvas
  2. Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select the component to add
  3. Drag an interface (from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the canvas

Add a component by selecting a component from the palette

Select a component from the palette by selecting it and dragging/dropping it into the Assembly editor canvass.

The diagram on the right shows all the components that you can add to a business module.

Add a component by Right-clicking inside the Assembly Diagram

Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select Add > Component???

You can add the same components that you see in the pallette above.

Adding a component by Dragging an interface

  1. Drag an interface (i.e CCambil_DateTime_I, from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the Assembly diagram canvas
  2. In the Component Creation window, select Component with no Implementation Type and click OK.

You can add the following components:

  1. Component with no Implementation Type
  2. Export with no Binding
  3. Export with Web Service Binding
  4. Import with no Binding
  5. Import with Web Service Binding

A Component is added

The attributes of the component added depends on how you added the component.

The component created using the component pallette or by right-clicking inside the assemly diagram does not have an interface. You have to add an interface as an extra step.

The component created by dragging an interface includes the interface that you dragged.

Component created via Component pallette and right-clicking

Component created by dragging an interface

How to add a Component to a Mediation Module

Related links

Mediation flow

Mediation flow components

Assembly editor


Service components

Creating components

Mediation Module Components

This is an example of components added to a mediation module.

There are several ways to add a component to a mediation module:

  1. Select a component from the palette and drag/drop it onto the canvas
  2. Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select the component to add
  3. Drag an interface (from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the canvas

Add a component by selecting a component from the palette

Select a component from the palette by selecting it and dragging/dropping it into the Assembly editor canvass.

The diagram on the right shows all the components that you can add to a mediation module.

Add a component by Right-clicking inside the Assembly Diagram

Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select Add > Component???

You can add the same components that you see in the pallette above.

Adding a component by Dragging an interface

  1. Drag an interface (i.e StockQuoteService, from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the Assembly diagram canvas
  2. In the Component Creation window, select Component with no Implementation Type and click OK.

You can add the following components:

  1. Component with no Implementation Type
  2. Export with no Binding
  3. Export with Web Service Binding
  4. Import with no Binding
  5. Import with Web Service Binding

A Component is added

The attributes of the component added depends on how you added the component.

The component created using the component pallette or by right-clicking inside the assemly diagram does not have an interface. You have to add an interface as an extra step.

The component created by dragging an interface includes the interface that you dragged.

Component created via Component pallette and right-clicking

Component created by dragging an interface

How to wire components

Related links


Wires B

Wiring nodes in the assembly diagram

Business services: Wiring nodes

Unwired components

Do the following steps below to wire these components.

Display the wire handle

Hover the mouse near the edge of a component (i.e StockQuoteService) to display the wire.

Click on the wire handle to drag it to another component.

Drag and Drop the wire handle

Drag the wire handle to another component (i.e StockQuote_MediationFlow) and drop it on that component.

Add export interface to the target

When you wire an export component (i.e, StockQuoteService) to another component (i.e StockQuote_MediationFlow), the service interface from the export will be added to the target.

Click OK to continue.


An export component (i.e StockQuoteService) can only be a 'Source' of a wire. An export component can never be a wire target.

An import component, on the other hand, can only be a 'Target' of a wire. An import component can never be a wire source.

Create matching Reference

When you wire a regular component (i.e StockQuote_MediationFlow) to another component (import or non-export component), a matching reference will be created on the source.

Click OK to continue.

Wired components

The components are wired.

- Interface - Reference

How to generate a component's Implementation

Related links

Select an implementation type

Right-click the component and select Generate Implementation... > Process.


You have 5 implementation types to choose from. Select the required implementation type.

  1. Human Task
  2. Java
  3. Process
  4. Rule Group
  5. State Machine

Select the folder

Click OK if this is the required folder. Otherwise, click New Folder... and specify another folder.

A Default Business Process Implementation

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