Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Testing and Debugging

Testing How to

Websphere Integration Developer v612

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How to start a test server

Start the Server

Select the Servers tab and

Right-click the Server (i.e Websphere Process Server) you want to start and select Start.

Wait for Start-up to complete

Select the Console tab.

Start-up is complete when you see Server server1 open for e-business.

How to test a component

Select the component to be tested

In the Assembly diagram, right-click on the component you want to test and select Test Component.


To test all the components in the module, you can right-click in the Assembly Diagram and select Test Module.

Setup Detailed Properties

Review the Detailed Properties and ensure that the settings point to the component you want to test.

Enter a value (i.e Charles) under the Value column in the Initial request parameters and click Continue.

Remove Emulators

When you select a specific component for testing, all the other components in the module are emulated.

To test all the components that you are building, remove all the Emulators.

Select Deployment Location

Select the deployment location and click Finish.

Review test results

How to test an exported component

The primary reason for testing the Export node is to ensure that the Export binding works before being used by other modules.

Right-click the Export node and select Test Component.

Review and configure the Detailed Properties values to ensure that the test is properly setup.

Remove all Emulators so that the actual components that you are building will be used during testing.

Select Deployment Location.

Review test results.

How to test an imported component

The primary reason for testing the Import node is to ensure that the Import binding works before using other modules.

Right-click the Import node and select Test Component.

Follow the same procedure specified in testing an exported component.

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