Sunday, August 10, 2008

Export/Import (HTTP)

Export/Import HTTP Binding How to

Websphere Integration Developer v612

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When to use HTTP bindings
Consider an HTTP binding when these factors are applicable:
  • You need to access an external service over the Internet or provide a service over the Internet and you are working with other Web services based on the HTTP model; that is, using well-known HTTP interface operations like GET, PUT, DELETE, and so on.
  • The services are loosely coupled
  • Synchronous communication is preferred; that is, a request from one service can wait for a response from another.
Related links

Example of the HTTP binding

Uses of the HTTP binding

HTTP binding overview


Accessing services
Service import and export binding types
Selecting appropriate bindings
Imports and exports

How to generate an HTTP export Binding

Related links

Generating an HTTP export binding

HTTP data bindings

Generate HTTP Export

In the assembly diagram, do the following:

  1. Right-click on a component (i.e DateTime_C)
  2. Select Generate Export > HTTP Binding
  3. An HTTP Export Binding window appears (see below).

Configure HTTP Export Service

Configure the following HTTP export service properties:

  1. Context path
  2. Data binding (click Browse)
  3. Function selector (click Browse)

Configure Data Binding

To configure data binding, do the following:

  1. Select data binding (i.e Show predefined data bindings )
  2. Select Matching data binding (i.e HTTP XML message data binding).
  3. Click OK.

Configure Function Selector

To configure function selector, do the following:

  1. Select function selector(i.e Show predefined function selectors )
  2. Select Matching function selectors(i.e HTTP Function Selector based on URL...).
  3. Click OK.

HTTP export generated

An HTTP export is generated.

How to generate an HTTP import Binding

Related links

Generate HTTP import from a HTTP export

We will create an HTTP import binding from an existing HTTP export.
  1. Open the assembly diagram of a service requester module (i.e CCambil_Consumer_M)
  2. Drag a HTTP export (i.e DateTime_CExport) from another module(i.e CCambil_Provider_M) and drop it into the assembly diagram of the service requester module.
  3. A warning window appears (see below)

Creating Import from Export using HTTP binding

A warning message is issued to do required configuration before deployment.

Click OK.

HTTP Import binding generated

An HTTP import binding is generated.

Generate Web Service import from a Web Service export

We will create a web service import binding from an existing web service export.
  1. Open the assembly diagram of a service requester module (i.e CCambil_Consumer_M)
  2. Drag a Web Service export (i.e CCambil_DateTime...) from a library (i.e CCambil_Library) and drop it into the assembly diagram of the service requester module (i.e CCambil_Consumer_M)
  3. A Component Creation window will display (see below)

Select the type

In the Component Creation window, select Import with Web Service Binding and click OK.
A Web Service import binding is created.
Wire the Import
Wire the service requester component (i.e CCambil_Consumer_C) to the import as required.
Notice that the import and export web service binding properties are identical.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we use an export http ; how it possible to set into the response the Content-Type like this :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

have you got an idea please?

best regards
